Myloweslife HR Contacts.

How do I contact the Lowes HR department?
What is the Lowes Customer Service phone number?

If you have a question about your employent at Lowe’s, that requires a direct response, then please call a Lowe’s benefits representative.

Lowe’s HR Phone Number:

What is the Lowe’s HR phone number?

The Lowe’s HR phone number is: 1-844-HRLOWES (844-475-6937)
This phone number is for the Lowe’s Benefits Service Center.
Lowe’s Benefits Service Center helpline is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.

The Lowe’s HR phone number, from outside the US, is: +1-312-843-5251
Again, this helpline is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.

Lowe’s Customer Service Phone Number.

What is the Lowe’s Customer Service phone number?

The Lowe’s Customer Support phone number is: 1-800-445-6937
The Lowe’s Customer Service email address is:

You can also submit a question, complaint or comment, in the comment section below this page.

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